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Operating room and recovery area: they are fully equipped to perform medium and high complexity surgeries.

Monitor: during surgery the following parameters are monitored: Electocardiogram (ECG), Non-Invasive Pressure, Pulse Oximeter, Temperature and Respiratory Frequency

Anesthesia: if our patients want to feel more relaxed during surgery we can provide them with endovenous sedation (IV) monitored by Anesthetist.

Fiber-Optics and eletroscalpel: They allow better vision and cauterization of soft tissues

Sterilization room: it has the equipment necessary to achieve the process of complete sterilization of the dental instruments.

The process ranges from decontamination (following a number of linked steps) to the instruments fully sterilized, packaged and stored for their use.

All these sterilization processes are in compliance with O.S.H.A. (Occupation Safety and Health Administration) bio safety standards

Our autoclaves and dry-heat sterilizer are weekly controlled through spores that are sent to the U.S.A to be cultured and verified. Their lack of growth is the biological proof of 100% accuracy of our the sterilizing power of our devices.


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